We invite all potential investors, customers, business entities and individuals, interested to invest in first Free VAT and Tax Zone City in historical Illyricum/Balkan/SEE, to call +387 61 548 799 to agree on future cooperation. We invite all potential investors, buyers, interested business entities and individuals to call +387 61 548 799 to discuss the project. We are open to all offers, forms of cooperation, help and suggestions...

Illyricum City - Free Zone selects donors, foreign nationals and guests who love and contribute to Illyricum City - Free Zone in various areas to bestow them with honorary citizenship of Illyricum City, encouraging their contribution for the development of Illyricum City - Free Zone as a global city.
Illyricum City’s honorary citizenship began with the bestowing of contributory citizenship to foreign nationals who will help reconstruct the city from 2023, and will continue in the future to thank foreign nationals, international leaders, diplomats, and others who contributed to Illyricum City and cemented mutual cooperation.
Honorary citizens are given various opportunities, such as preferential purchase conditions, invitation to various events hosted by Illyricum City and policymaking participation along with informative updates on Illyricum City news via online newsletters, etc. Furthermore, they are given free admission to major culture and leisure facilities in Illyricum City, such as special exhibitions, events as well as the zoo and theme gardens at Illyricum City Grand Park and Illyricum City Botanic Park, pursuant to Article 2 of the Illyricum City Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Bestowal of Honorary Citizenship...

llyricum City - Regional Balkan project for unity of all Illyrians, understanding, richness in the diversity of religions, traditions and culture of all Illyrian tribes
We are proud to present a new project in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entire region - the City of Illyricum! This project is a path towards the unity of all Illyrians, understanding, wealth in the diversity of faiths, traditions and cultures of all Illyrian tribes. We lived in a thousand-year peace and we will live again! We invite all Illyrians and friendly peoples, regardless of religious, cultural, sexual or any other commitment, to join the project and to prove who and what we are on a unique practical example of coexistence! Illyricum is the future and our historical task!